On Sale

Titles Featured for July Bulk Pricing

25+ copies at $20.00 each

25+ copies at $21.00 each

25+ copies at $21.00 each

25+ copies at $20.00 each

*No Resellers -- Maximum Order 200 copies Per Title -- Bulk Pricing Through July 31st, 2024*

Additional Titles On Sale

Patient Safety Set

Why Hospitals Should Fly 
by John J. Nance, JD

Charting the Course
by John J. Nance, JD, & 
Kathleen Bartholomew, RN, MN

Hardcover Set: $73.00 Now: $65.70 

Paperback Set: $56.00 Now: $50.40

Patient Experience

Prescription for Excellence
by Joseph Michelli, PhD


Hardcover: $28.00 Now: $14.95

Paperback: $22.00 Now: $9.95

Quality Improvement

The Quality Playbook & Workbook Set

By John Byrnes, MD

 Book & Workbook Set: $42.00 Now $38.00

50% Off Fred Lee DVD Lecture Series! A savings of $497.50

If Disney Ran Your Hospital: 9 1/2 Things You Would Do Differently  


Fred Lee's Two Day Lecture Series on DVD

Over 8 hours, with Fred Lee himself, leading the lecture

3-DVD set of the two-day lecture based on Fred Lee’s book.


These are excellent for in-service and training of front-line employees.
All the chapters of the book are covered with the exception of Chapter 8.

DVD Regular Price: $995.00

Overstock Pricing